
NFL Management Trainee Results 2023 Released

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NFL Management Trainee Result 2023
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NFL Management Trainee Results 2023: National Fertilizers Limited held an exam for 74 Management Trainee positions in 2023. They will announce the results on their official website in January 2024. Lots of people took this exam and are now excited to see their results. Below, you can find more information about these results. Also, once the results are available, you can easily find a to them on the official website.

National Fertilizers Limited is going to release the NFL Management Trainee 2023 soon on their official website, which is www.nationalfertilizers.com. It’s a good idea for candidates to look at the summary of the NFL Management Trainee Result 2023 provided in the table below.

NFL Management Trainee Result 2023

NFL Result 2023
OrganizationNational Fertilizers Limited
PostManagement Trainees
Application ModeOnline
NFL Result 2023January 2024
NFL Exam Date 202317 December 2023
Selection ProcessOffline Examination, Personal Interview
Official Websitewww.nationalfertilizers.com
NFL Management Trainee Result 2023

Key Dates for NFL Management Trainee Result 2023

Candidates who appeared for the MT (Law, Marketing, F&A) exam should note that the results will be officially announced as a on the NFL website in January 2024. Everyone who participated in the exam should be aware of this official declaration.

Country India
Organization NFL 
Post Name MT 
Streams Law, Marketing, F&A
Vacancies 74
Exam Date 17 December 2023
Result Date January 2024
Official Website nationalfertilizers.com

The National Fertilizers Limited will soon announce the results for the Management Trainee (Law, Marketing, F&A) positions, for which there are 74 vacancies. A large number of candidates participated in this exam, and the results will be officially posted as a merit list on their website at https://nationalfertilizers.com/ for all who took the exam.

When will the NFL MT Result 2023 be released?

The NFL plans to officially release the results of the MT (Law, Marketing, F&A) written exam, which was held on December 17, 2023, in January 2024. Candidates who qualify can check the merit list using their Registration at https://nationalfertilizers.com/.

How to check the NFL MT Exam Result 2023?

To check the NFL MT Exam Result 2023 for Management Trainees (Law, Marketing, F&A), follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official NFL website: https://nationalfertilizers.com/.
  2. Click on the “Careers” section.
  3. Select “Recruitment in NFL.”
  4. Click on “Open Positions.”
  5. Find and select “Engagement of Management Trainees in NFL-2023.”
  6. Click on “List of Candidates Eligible for Interview” to the result PDF.
  7. Use the PDF’s search feature to find your Roll and see if you’ve passed.
  8. Keep checking the official website for the latest updates on the result release.

NFL MT Merit List 2023

The merit list for the NFL Management Trainee (Law, Marketing, F&A) exam, which took place on December 17, 2023, is expected to be published following the evaluation process, likely within four weeks. This list will highlight those candidates who have excelled in the exam and are qualified to move forward to the Interview stage.

NFL MT Cut Off 2023

The anticipated cut-off marks for the NFL Management Trainee Result (Law, Marketing, F&A) exam are expected to be between 123 and 127 out of 150 for the General category. For other categories, the cut-off may vary by 3 to 5 marks more or less. The exact cut-off will be detailed in the result gazette.

The minimum score required to qualify for the second stage of the selection process, namely the Interviews, will differ for each category, including General, Other Backward Class, Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Caste, and Economically Weaker Section, among others.

What after the NFL MT Result 2023?

After the NFL Management Trainee Result 2023 is announced, successful candidates will move on to the next stage, usually an interview. The date for this second stage hasn’t been confirmed yet. If the results are officially declared by January 2024, the interviews might be scheduled for February or March 2024.

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